«Zurich Jazz Orchestra plays Sidney Bechet»
Feat. Rainer Tempel (comp., cond.) & Christof Lauer (tenor and soprano saxophones)
We would like to use the mid-season for a reunion with an old acquaintance: Rainer Tempel, our musical director from 2006 to 2013. He has written the music for a Sidney Bechet project. For the NDR production, Christof Lauer from Germany played soprano and tenor saxophone. We lines the music so much that we decided to invite both of them to join us in Zurich. Tempel knows how to translate Bechet’s unique style in an exciting, intelligent, and authentic way so that it fits in with the present. Soloist Christof Lauer replaces Bechet’s characteristic tremolo with his expressive improvisational language and his energetic sound. We will be hearing titles such as «Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams», «On The Sunny Side Of The Street», «Casbah – Song Of The Medina», and, of course, famous songs from Bechet’s times in Paris like «Petite Fleur». The first set will be dedicated to various titles from Rainer Tempel’s time with the ZJO.
-> -> Live Stream at moods.digital.
-> In order to comply with all safety regulations, Jazzclub Moods has its own ticket system: concerts take place with a defined seating plan and with sufficient distance between guests. Now you can find the link “Reserve seat” on the event pages to the right of the video/picture. Since the number of seats is limited according to the BAG regulations, it is advisable to book tickets in advance. There are only a few tickets left for October 22.
As in the Toni area, masks will be worn in the shipbuilding area. As soon as you have arrived at your seat in Moods, you can remove the mask. The drinks will be served at the tables. By QR code you can order drinks from your seat at the bar. The bar itself is not served at the moment. Exceptions are guests who have been assigned their seats at the bar.